Last Friday we broke into groups and were given the opportunity to think and come up with our own experiment to present to the class. Our experiment would then be done by two other classmates from another group at the end of the semester.
First, we explored on the internet for some basic ideas to build off of. Our first idea was to build our own battery. One way we thought of doing this was to create a current and voltage by using different liquids that are capable of doing so. Salt water, Coke, and vinegar were the first and main three liquids we though of that would give us the most current. Another way we thought of creating our own battery was by converting the heat in our hands into electricity. We would have used copper and aluminum plates to measure the difference in voltage and current created by the two different materials.
Next, we thought of making our own electromagnets and comparing them to regular magnets. We thought of comparing three different materials: iron, copper, and ferrite. Along with comparing the different materials we would compare the difference in voltage input into the electromagnets ad how much they affected the magnetic field. We ended up deciding on creating this experiment because it gives a large range of information from the results and we can see how much different materials and different energy input can change the strength of a magnet.