Iceland is aptly named because of its location and typical climate; however, it is also resting on a hotbed of fiery roc and water that allows the country to produce a majority of its heat, hot water, and electricity from geothermal energy. They pride themselves highly on their ability to create such a sustainable form of energy in such a clean and environmentally friendly way.
Geothermal energy is simply the energy and power drawn from the Earth’s internal heat and the heat stored in the rock and water beneath the Earth’s crust. Iceland is able to use this geothermal energy to heat and produce hot water for about 87% of their country’s needs as well as 25% of the electrical needs. They are able to drill into the surface of the Earth to release the hot steam and water trapped in the rock and sediment that are used to propel the blades in large turbines connected to generators to convert this immense heat energy into useable electrical energy.
All of this can be accomplished without emitting the harmful emissions that come from fossil fuels which is why it is a much better and cleaner alternative to energy production. Although, it does have an environmental effect because of the release of hydrogen sulfide as well as the disposal of some toxic fluids and gasses brought up from beneath the Earth’s surface.