Approching my first hands on class activity, i didnt know how thsis little robot would turn out to be. As we recived the robot, group-mates starting setteling together, wire up left, batterry under attached, wire  to the rigth, etc and i was pretty lost at this point, good thing my class-mates took a second and stopped and explained me how it work, and what had been going on on the last class.

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As for the first robotic’s activity we had in class, they told me how they had to build it up, putting its wheels, the cables, etc. And how after that, they had to program it so they could start trying it out and start learning how to use it. Not much i can say from this part due to my absence, but to point out how by looking and examening the robot i came to the conclusion it must had been something peculiar to do , atlest for me… Since i had never though Lego would actually be in a university’s science class , maybe im just some what of and ignorate but it seems pretty cool to think you where once playing with them in your house and your now doing research hand’s-on activity’s!!!!!

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For this second part of the activity we were ask to measure the distance the car traveled, applying diferrent speeds and seconds for duration.To do this we had both a ruler for our own data copilation and the computer program, which send’s and recive’s the robot’s power, time of travel, and distance thru and usb cable you plug in. As we worked our self’s thru the first 2 trials we noticed that our first errors where pretty big staying above the 2/3 ratio, and decided to apply a longer run time with a small decrease on power, and taraaaa!! we had done it, the error came down around half of what it was.

This activity was great, there’s nothing better than getting your hand on something and testing it yourself, specially if its with LEGOSS!!! hahahah


-Just for thouse of you who’s curiosity has been triggered by this amazing lego robot cars, here are a couple i have found and i find pretty cool ….

1.Hands Free Flusher

This LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Toilet Flush System is a very polite robot that thanks you after you use the toilet and then flushes it for you.

2. Rubic’s cube Genious

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