a world of solar energy


Solar Energy is the energy gained by capturing the light and heat emitted by the  sun. The solar radiation that reaches Earth can be exploited through the heat  produced, as well as through the absorption of radiation. It is a so-called renewable energy particularly of Group contaminant, known as clean energy or green energy.

-The Photovoltaic Effect-
Is the basis of the process by which a PV cell converts sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is composed of photons, or energy particles. For PV cells convert the light energy into electrical energy. Performance  conversion, (the proportion of solar cell converted from light into electricity) is fundamental in the photovoltaic devices, since the increase in performance makes the PV solar energy more competitive with other sources.

-Solar Energy-
Emblem of renewable energy has noticed a progression in recent years due to improvements in technology, with associated cost reduction mainly thanks to the interest shown by the different administrations in different countries, in form of grants or subsidies .

– Situation in the European Union-

Installed in the EU area is concentrated in three countries Germany 5,442,000 m2, Greece and Austria with 2.877 million m2 2,711,000 m2. Germany is the leading installer of photovoltaic energy in the world, with a capacity of more than 32.3 gigawatts from December 2012. The new German solar PV installations grew by about 7.6 GW in 2012, about 3% of total electricity. Some market analysts expect this could reach 25 percent by 2050. Germany has a goal of producing 35% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020 and 100% by 2050.

– Situation in North America-

The United States has considerable solar activity and many solar power plants on a commercial scale . The largest solar power installation in the world is the Solar Energy Generating Systems facility in California , which has a total capacity of 354 megawatts. There are plans to build other large solar plants in the United States. Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation requiring California utilities to obtain 33 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources by the end of 2020.

The Canadian PV market has grown rapidly and Canadian companies make solar modules, controls, specialized water pumps, refrigerators, high-efficiency solar lighting systems. Ontario has subsidized solar power to promote its growth. One of the most important uses of photovoltaic cells is in northern communities, many of which rely on high-cost diesel fuel to generate electricity. Since the 1970s , the federal government and industry has promoted the development of solar technologies for these communities. Some of these efforts have focused on the use of hybrid systems that provide power 24 hours a day, using solar power when sunlight is available, in combination with other energy source.

– Situation in Africa-

On average, many African countries receive up to 325 days of sunshine a year. This gives solar power the potential to bring energy to virtually any location in Africa without the need for expensive large scale grid infrastructure developments. The distribution of solar resources in Africa is fairly uniform, with more than 80 percent of the African landscape that receives almost 2,000 kWh per square meter per year. A recent study indicates that an installation of solar power generation covering only 0.3% of the area in North Africa, could supply all the energy required by the European Union.

– Situation in Latin America-

During the past decade, Latin America has stood for notable increase. The market fell somewhat by the crisis in Asia, but was assisted by experiencing an explosive growth in the telecommunications area. Revenue from solar energy are increased in an average of 15 to 20 percent.

The major consumers of photovoltaic equipment in the world in their process of  development are in Mexico and Brazil, which contribute to the growth of solar energy in Latin America. Mexico is already the largest producer of solar energy in Latin America and is planning a ground-based solar collector with 30 MW, which will use a gas turbine combined cycle of approximately 400 MW to power the city of Agua Prieta, Sonora . To date, the World Bank has given U.S. $ 50 million to fund this project.

– Situation in Asia-

China generates about 7 GW of power , with the recent announcements that they’ll target an additional 10 GW of power in 2013-14 with a target of 21GW of power in late 2015.

India is densely populated and has high solar radiation, which makes it ideal for the use of solar energy. In the field of solar energy, they have proposed some major projects: a 35,000 km2 area of the Thar Desert has been earmarked for solar power projects, sufficient to generate from 700 GW to 2100 GW. In July 2009, India unveiled a $ 19 million plan to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020. Under the plan, the use of solar energy equipment and applications have been made mandatory in all government buildings, as well as hospitals and hotels. In November 18, 2009, it was reported that India was ready to launch its National Solar Mission under the National Action Plan on Climate Change , with plans to generate 1,000 MW of power.

Solar power in Japan has been increasing since the late 1990s. The country ‘s leading manufacturer of solar panels and is ranked on the top 5 countries with the most installed solar PV , the third largest worldwide in total solar energy.


-The Price Of Panels Around The World-

Chinese manufacturers such as Suntech have overtaken other global distributors of solar panels in recent years. Suntech has produced over 1000 MW as of this year, and Chinese solar panel manufacturing has increased to 4000 MW as a whole. Half of the world’s largest solar manufacturing companies are based in China now. This is due to the relentless price cutting of solar panels. Chinese manufacturers can make these for just $1.28 per watt, compared to the lowest Western supplier’s price of $2 per watt.

In India, the price of solar panels dropped by around 50 per cent in 2011, making them more cost effective for people than diesel. With many homes using diesel generators to cope with frequent blackouts on the national grid, renewable affordable energy could soon be the more common answer. Solar electricity is getting cheaper, and analysts predict that it will be as cheap as grid electricity by 2015 in half the countries of the world.





LEGO Pulley …


So this week’s in class activity had to do with the relationship between: Force, Mass and Acceleration.    

This new activity came along with a new set up, an a slight difference on the robot. This time the robot was composed by  the LEGO mindstrom motor, a pulley and a set of weights.


(New robot set up)



Provides a relationship between the unbalanced force on the object, the mass of the object and the acceleration that is produced:

unbalanced force = mass x acceleration (F = ma).

-We fisrt had to explore Newstowns 2nd law by keeping the power level fixed and changing the mass.

  • Does the acceleration vary with mass?

What both me and my partner discover was that by keeping the force (power) at a constant level and only changing the mass of the object been picked up acceleration did change, and it change in a negative relation with the mass been applied. For example whe started with the lowest weight on our first run, and then increased it with the other try’s, and  the hevier the mass the less acceleration it produced with the same amount of force (power).

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(We can notice here in the graph how the acceleration is reducing from our first run, till the third one)

-We then had to keep the mass fixed and change the power level. 

  • Does the acceleration vary with power level?

In this second part of the activity we found out how by keeping the mass steady, not changing it, and just increasing the force (power) of the LEGO motor the acceleration here would change with a positive relatonship with the change of the force being incremented. For example: we kept a steady mass of 0.1 kg, and started with a force of 25 increasing each run by double. By doing this we realized that everytime we incremented the weigth, in this case from 25 to 50 on the second run, we realized that the acceleration also incremented by two, this case from 250 to 500 on the second run.

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(We can see here how the force being increased with a constant mass, the acceleration increased too)

By the end of this activity we had realized that there are two points to note about there are two points to note about the acceleration of an object when an unbalanced force acts on it:

-The bigger the unbalanced force acting on the object the bigger the acceleration of the object.
-The more mass the object has the more inclined it is to resist any change in its motion.

For example,
If you apply the same unbalanced force to a mass of 1000 kg and a mass of 1 kg, the acceleration (change in motion) of the 1000 kg mass will be much less than that of the 1 kg mass.



Climate scientists agree that climate change increases the likelihood of stronger and wetter storms. However, researchers were unable to say just how responsible climate change was for the development of Sandy .Climate scientists avoid blaming any single weather event  on global warming but many say that climate change may well have played an important role in the destruction caused by Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy’s storm surge was elevated by both the warming sea-level rise and the timing of the lunar cycle. Sandy occurred during the astronomical high tide (2 to 3 inches above a normal high tide). Global sea level has already increased by 4 inches since 1950, creating the equivalent of a fulltime high tide.Sandy carried an unusual amount of moisture, which increased the risk of very heavy precipitation within its path. Much of the warming from climate change occurs in the ocean. Sandy spent significant time over uncommon warm sea level’s boosting the amount of moisture available to drain down.

Hurricane Sandy was encountered in a “traffic jam” in the North Atlantic, known as a “block” to meteorologists. This block did not allow Sandy to track out to sea like most northeast storms. Meanwhile, a storm associated with some very cold air over the Midwest also ran into this Atlantic traffic jam, resulting in an unusual “hybrid” storm.

Finally, Sandy also carried an unusual amount of moisture, which increased the risk of very heavy precipitation within its path. Much of the warming from climate change occurs in the ocean.

a la(s) 20.08.29

(NASA  animation of the jet stream that shows how, over time, the south and north waves of the jet stream have grown deeper and move more slowly across the middle latitudes, as melting sea ice warms the arctic).

Hurricane Sandy brings us to conclusion two mayor corncerns : We need to reduce the risks of climate change by reducing our carbon emissions, and we must strengthen our defenses against future impacts that it may be too late to avoid. Our sea walls and other infrastructure were built to deal with the extreme weather risks of the 20th century.  Sandy is offering an opportunity to see where we fall short in preparations for the 21st century.


A Year After Sandy, Living Dangerously by the Sea





Approching my first hands on class activity, i didnt know how thsis little robot would turn out to be. As we recived the robot, group-mates starting setteling together, wire up left, batterry under attached, wire  to the rigth, etc and i was pretty lost at this point, good thing my class-mates took a second and stopped and explained me how it work, and what had been going on on the last class.

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As for the first robotic’s activity we had in class, they told me how they had to build it up, putting its wheels, the cables, etc. And how after that, they had to program it so they could start trying it out and start learning how to use it. Not much i can say from this part due to my absence, but to point out how by looking and examening the robot i came to the conclusion it must had been something peculiar to do , atlest for me… Since i had never though Lego would actually be in a university’s science class , maybe im just some what of and ignorate but it seems pretty cool to think you where once playing with them in your house and your now doing research hand’s-on activity’s!!!!!

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For this second part of the activity we were ask to measure the distance the car traveled, applying diferrent speeds and seconds for duration.To do this we had both a ruler for our own data copilation and the computer program, which send’s and recive’s the robot’s power, time of travel, and distance thru and usb cable you plug in. As we worked our self’s thru the first 2 trials we noticed that our first errors where pretty big staying above the 2/3 ratio, and decided to apply a longer run time with a small decrease on power, and taraaaa!! we had done it, the error came down around half of what it was.

This activity was great, there’s nothing better than getting your hand on something and testing it yourself, specially if its with LEGOSS!!! hahahah


-Just for thouse of you who’s curiosity has been triggered by this amazing lego robot cars, here are a couple i have found and i find pretty cool ….

1.Hands Free Flusher

This LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Toilet Flush System is a very polite robot that thanks you after you use the toilet and then flushes it for you.

2. Rubic’s cube Genious

Energy Generation…

The electrical energy is produced in devices called generators or alternators.

A generator consists, in its simplest form:

-A rotating coil driven by some external media.
-A uniform magnetic field created by a magnet, within which the previous loop tour.

As the loop rotates, the Magnetic drive through flow changes with time, inducing an electromotive force, and if there is an external circuit, an electric current will flow. For a generator to work, you need an external source of energy (hydro, thermal, nuclear, etc..) To make the coil turn at a desired frequency.



A nuclear power plant is a thermal power station. The fundamental difference between nuclear power plants and conventional thermal energy resides in the source used. In the first, uranium and in the latter, the energy of fossil fuels.
A nuclear power plant is, therefore, a power plant in which the  boiler acts as a nuclear reactor. The thermal energy is caused by the fission reactions in the nuclear fuel comprising uranium compound.

Nuclear fission is a process by which the nuclei of certain heavy chemical elements break down into two fragments by the impact of a particle (neutron), releasing a large amount of energy that is obtained in the  nuclear plant, water vapor.



Power plants used in the generation of electrical energy from the energy released as heat, usually by burning fossil fuels such as oil, naturalgas or coal. This heat is used by a conventional thermodynamic cycle to drive a generator and produce electricity.They are considered the most economical and cost effective power plants, so it’s use is widespread in the economically advanced countries and the developing world, even though they are being criticized because of its high environmental impact.


-Electricity Generation By Source-

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Coal is the predominant fuel used for electricity generation worldwide. In 2010, coal-fired generation accounted for 40 percent of overall worldwide electricity generation. Coal-fired electricity generation grows in the Reference case at a 1.8-percent annual rate from 2010 to 2040. In 2040, total world electricity generation from coal is 73 percent higher than the 2010 level.

Natural gas

In 2010, natural gas accounted for 22 percent of the world’s electricity generation. Its projected share rises to 24 percent in 2040. Prospects for natural gas have improved substantially over the past several years. Low natural gas prices are having an impact on the diversity of the fuel mix used in electricity generation. In the near term, the diversity of the fuel mix is increasing as fuel-switching from coal to natural gas proceeds; however, in the long term, a sustained low natural gas price may discourage investment in nuclear generation and renewables. Policy is necessary to ensure that the percentage of zero carbon-emission power generation is growing sufficiently to mitigate the most dangerous effects of climate change.

Nuclear Power

Electricity generation from nuclear power worldwide increases from 2,620 billion kilowatthours in 2010 to 5,492 billion kilowatthours in 2040 in the IEO2013 Reference case, as concerns about energy security and greenhouse gas emissions support the development of new nuclear generating capacity. In addition, world average capacity utilization rates have generally risen over time, from about 68 percent in 1980 to about 80 percent in 2011. Factors underlying theIEO2013 nuclear power projections include the consequences of the March 2011 disaster at Fukushima Daiichi, Japan; planned retirements of nuclear capacity in OECD Europe under current policies; and continued strong growth of nuclear power in non-OECD Asia.

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Germany’s Green Energy, Great Business

Germany’s renewable energy sector is among the most innovative and successful worldwide. The share of electricity produced from renewable energy in Germany has increased from 6.3 percent of the national total in 2000, to 25 percent of 2012. In 2010, investments totaling 26 billion euros were made in Germany’s renewable energies sector. Germany has been called “the world’s first major renewable energy economy”.

Renewable energy technologies were part of a broader long-term German energy strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts of energy use, to curtail dependence on the oil and gas imports that now satisfy some 62% of German energy demand, and to contribute to German economic growth via high technology exports.

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Germany’s renewable energy producers enjoy a guaranteed minimum price for their energy. So they can produce and sell it at a guaranteed price, no matter what customers want, which has led to somewhat of an energy bubble in Germany. Many Individual’s are producing green energy no one actually needs, but are entitled to sell it. In the end consumers have to pay for it. These policies caused the price for energy to double over ten years.

This incentives are soo, that there’s often way too much energy in the power grid, that german energy providers actually have to pay other countries’ grid operators to accept their energy in order to take pressure off the German grid. Czech Republic and France are some of the countries that have to take Germany’s energy, especially when it is very windy or sunny as windmills and solar panels are very productive on those days.

Germany’s shift to renewable energy was once Angela Merkel’s flagship policy – now it has become her biggest headache.

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“For me, the most urgent problem is the design of the energy revolution,” said the German Chancellor in her first television interview after being re-elected last month. “We are under a lot of pressure. The future of jobs and the future of Germany as a business location depend on it.”

This example shows how legislation produced higher energy prices even as energy abounded. And it created a situation in which excess energy actually produces higher costs for consumers. Maybe the least fair part of the whole scheme is how these prices disproportionately impact low-income individuals, who are forced to subsidize green energy for welthier families to support politicians’ green energy visions.

Germany is now been investigated by the European Union for all this intense manipulation of the free market,  asking themself’s if perhaps, Germany hasn’t perhaps, been engaging in some… untoward-special treatment of their politically favored industries.

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Centralized electric generating plants with local distribution networks were started in the 1880s and the grid of interconnected transmission lines was started in the 1920s. Today, we have a complex patchwork system of regional and local power plants, power lines and transformers that have widely varying ages, conditions, and capacities.

Over the years, the network has been a successful source of energy for the nation. The electric grid delivers electricity thru millions of miles of transmission lines.  The network itself is composed of smaller networks: Eastern Interconnection, Western Interconnection and Texas Interconnection, a connected system of power plants and transformers, by more than 450,000 miles of transmissions lines. First, the power is created in power plants and sub-stations then sent through the transmission lines. Then, a smaller, local system of low-voltage transmission lines deliver it to each individual customer.

generation, transmition, and distribution

The age of the equipment explains some of the failures that lead to frequent failures in power quality and availability. During the past decade, electric energy infrastructure has improved through an upturn in investment. We need to look into more investments in order to decrease disruptions in service ,due to having components that have different age, capacity, and conditions, as well as meet the demands of our rapidly growing population and it’s demands for energy.

Apart of the equipment age, some people talk about the idea of a smart grid to improve the system. For a century, companies have had to send workers out to gather much of the data needed to provide electricity. Most of the devices utilities use to deliver electricity have yet to be automated and computerized. Now, many advances are being made available to the electricity industry to modernize it.Much in the way that a “smart” phone these days means a phone with a computer in it, smart grid means “computerizing” the electric utility grid.

Now, the Department of Homeland Security, recognizes that today’s quality of life depends on the continuous functioning of the nation’s electric power infrastructure, which if computerized, could be at risk from malicious cyber attacks. These risks may come from cyber hackers who gain access to control networks or create denial of service attacks on the networks themselves, or from accidental causes, such as natural disasters or operator errors.

Soo, which one is the solution what should we do about it ? computerize it or not? Well, its evident that both of the options (leving it as it is, or modernizing it) would have errors, or some type of risk against it, wether by hackers or natural forces. Well i am no expert on the field, i dont know much about if modernizing it, would benefit us more or just make it vulnerable to cyber attacks,but i do know that the power grid is becoming threatened as people are searching for their own ways to create electricity. Companies such as google and apple have begun to develop solar farms to get their electricity. Verizon is spending $100 million to power offices and call centers via solar panels and fuel cells. Hospitals, universities, and other big companies are rapidly installing fuel cells that get electricity through a chemical reaction. Clearly, if the power grid does not undergo major change, the US will find other ways of getting more reliable and cheaper electricity as the demand for it grows.




