The Keystone XL Pipeline is a pipeline that runs from the Canadian Border all the way to connect to a pipeline in Steele City, Nebraska. TransCanada Corp sent an application to the Department of state, on May 4th, 2012. The application “included proposed new routes through the state of Nebraska”. It is an oil pipeline system and it carries synthetic crude oil and diluted bitumen from Canada and also light crude oil from the Williston Basin region in Montana and North Dakota. This project is still in operation and another part is waiting for the U.S. Government Approval. After the pipeline is completed is going to consist of the completed 2,151-mile (3,462 km) Keystone Pipeline (Phases I and II), Keystone Gulf Coast Expansion (Phase III), and the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline Project (Phase IV).
Keystone XL Pipeline project will replace phase I pipeline and it starts in Alberta, Canada extending to Steele City, US.
President Obama rejected this project in 2012 and some of the cons of this project are that it will be dangerous to the environment and residents of Nebraska are against it. The pros will be that the Keystone Project minimizes the disturbance of land, water resources and special areas. It’s considered “one of the safest and most advanced pipeline operation in North America”. This can provide jobs and help the economy of the United States. It could also bring essential infrastructure to North American oil producers and “provides long-term energy independence.
Once the project is finished, the Keystone IV would add 510,000 barrels per day (81,000m3/d), this increases the capacity up to 1.1 million barrels per day (170*1000m3/d).
This project was developed as a partnership between Trans Canada and ConocoPhillips, and now TransCanada is the sole owner of the Keystone Pipeline System.