Force and Energy

Our second experiment using the NXT system was to demonstrate the relationship between acceleration, mass, and force using a pulley system and weights. The goal of the experiment was to prove Newton’s second law of motion. Newton’s second law states:

Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).


From Newton’s second Law we know that a heavier mass requires more force (energy) to be moved.

So, in this experiment we would test this law in two ways using a pulley and weight system. First, we tested the pulley system using one constant power level (60%) while changing the amount of mass on the pulley. Next, we kept mass constant while changing the power levels.

The expected and proven relationships are:

Decrease in upward Acceleration with stable power and increasing mass

  • Demonstrated by the equation (F=m*a)

Increasing upward Acceleration with stable mass and increasing power

  • Demonstrated again by the equation (F=m*a)

Here is an excel spreadsheet of our results:


Next, we used our measurements to create tables and graphs to visualize the results that we found.

Above you can see the results of keeping power constant at 60% while changing mass. Seeing that with constant force, the larger the mass became, slower the acceleration. The affect it has on acceleration is in concurrence with Newton’s Law because with more mass, the pulley needed more power to have a higher acceleration.
  1. Power = 60
    Mass = 0.245 kg
    Acceleration = 24.064736
  2. Power = 60
    Mass = 0.19 kg
    Acceleration = 29.212683
  3. Power = 60
    Mass = 0.15 kg
    Acceleration = 33.443774
Here you can see that we changed the power level while keeping mass constant at 0.15kg. Once again the results concur with Newton’s Law because we see that the higher the force on an object, the more acceleration that object is going to have.
  1. Power = 40
    Mass = 0.15 kg
    Acceleration = 11.328434
  2. Power = 80
    Mass = 0.15 kg
    Acceleration = 60.382472


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