Demand response is a new way to save energy and be able to supply the amount of energy necessary at all times. With demand response we all are able to have more stability by lowering our demand for energy. It is a way for users to gain money by providing more demand response capacity, this means by lowering their unnecessary consumptions specifically in peak times. There are new companies that work with this to make businesses and institutions reduce the unnecessary energy use without affecting their operations, comfort, etc. Demand response works even by turning off air conditioners, lightnings, and non essential equipment when they are not needed so they are not being supplied with energy that they are not using. With demand response not only are the companies saving money of their own pocket, but also helping the planet by wasting less energy which is less pollution. After analyzing the benefits of demand response, I guess it is something that works effectively and for a great purpose, so it should be implemented all around the country and for a better earth it should be implemented worldwide.
In my opinion in Demand Response there is a huge energy sector that isn’t currently involved in demand response and energy efficiency programs. For Demand Response to be able to work there has to be consistant and effective communication between everyone that is involved in the process. Also whatever we do to reduce our energy use is going to be good for the environment. We should continue to use Demand Response help to do this because it is effective.