Shake Shake – Generating Electricity

In class we have been learning about energy. We have learned that energy is not produced or created it can only be transformed. In a few classes we were able to experiment with how to generate electricity by shaking a different kind of flashlight. My partner and I did several tests. First, by not shaking at all, then shake it slow and thenĀ  slightly faster and so on, we did this five times. We noticed that by slower shakes, smaller will be the electric energy produced. We also noticed that by more shakes the higher the voltage produced.

These were the results we had during the experiment. During the first run we didn’t shake it at all and we opened the voltages in excel and then sumsq it. The second run was a slow and we did 17 shakes sumsq it and the results were as expected and the voltage was higher. In the third run we did 29 and as expected the voltage was even higher than the last two shakes. This happened in the other two runs 62 shakes and 110 shakes in in both they had bigger voltages. In the one of 62 shakes the voltage was 40V and in 110 shakes it was 242V.

It was not only a fun experiment it was a learning experience that helped me understand how electricity work. Here we proved Newton’s different Laws of motion and energy. Also all of our expectations were met.

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