Measles in California – Vaccinate or not.

Measles is an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin, typically occurring in childhood, which is very contagious. Currently California is experiencing an outbreak of this virus. The California Department of Public Health reported that there are now 107 cases in the state, with one case now confirmed in Solano County.The virus symptoms begin with a fever that lasts for a couple of days, followed by a cough, runny nose, pink eye, and a rash. The rash often appears on the face first, along the hairline, and behind the ears and then affects the rest of the body. People are usually already contagious for about 4 days before the rash starts to 4 days afterwards.

Measles vaccine is highly recommended in the state of California. Without the vaccine chances to get contagious with measles is a high risk. “Some children are allowed by California law to skip immunizations if a parent submits a personal beliefs exemption (PBE) or medical exemption (PME) at enrollment” ( California Department of Public Health). 

The Wayne County Department of Public Health emphasizes how important is for parents to get their children vaccinated. The measles vaccination is part of the routine measles, mumps and rubella vaccine that children should get at 18 months old.

Even though the Health Officials highly recommend vaccine California law requires two doses of the measles vaccination before kindergartners can enroll, but parents may obtain exemptions for the vaccines if they say the inoculations conflict with their personal beliefs.  This raises an important question, should parents risks other children health by not immunizing before entering kinder garden or should they rethink their moral beliefs when it comes to saving other children’s life. brings contradiction into beliefs and

Parents don’t want to vaccinate due to several reasons. Some are that vaccination doesn’t guarantee that your child will not get the illness while the Vaccine Companies make huge amount of profits from Vaccines and your doctor makes a steady income off of Vaccines. The dosage that doctors use to vaccinate a baby and an adult is the same one.

In my opinion it doesn’t really matter that companies and doctor make profit out of these vaccines, it is their job. Even though the vaccine doesn’t protect your children 100% at least they are going to be a tittle bit more immune towards the viral. In my conscious I know I did something to prevent it and not only protecting my children but others that surround them, instead of not doing anything. The risk of the vaccines causing problems is very small, so as a parent it is clear that the best choice is to vaccinate your child.


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