Robotics Exercise.
Having the experience to build a robot was very exiting, we have been working on it for a couple of weeks. It is a good and different way to learn & understand how velocity, power acceleration and others work. The Robot we build was a Lego Robot – Lego Brick which has a “brain”. There are ports A B & C which are connected to the motors and then connected then there is a USB that is connected to the computer and a control panel to make the robot move.
When testing and experimenting with the robot I later learned that If one port is connected to the motor (wheel) the robot will go and do circles. If two are ports (AC) are connected to the motor it will go in straight lines. The robot will also turn if the power levels are different. The power level is the one that sets the force of how much energy it will put into the particular side or sides of the motor. My partner (Angelica) and I were able to make the robot go into a 12 inches circle with a power level in port A of 5 and in Port C 38. We also made the robot sing by clicking on the option of sound and then selecting a song, which are already in the program. We tried different things one was to make the robot go one way (in a circle ) stop and then turn to the other way (in a circle), but we were not successful to achieve this goal.
Overall this experience was a unique experience. It is a hands down learning experience, but at the same time fun and different. I can’t wait for others exiting activities that will take place in this class.
Self Driving Cars
Self-driving cars are just as its name says cars that drive themselves. They don’t need the control of a human being. Before the year 2000 most people and car companies believed it was impossible for cars to drive themselves. They established competitions but the prototypes were barely making it a few miles when the competitions were 150 miles long. As of today, the predictions for self-driving cars in the market are going be around 2017 and 2020.
Self-driving cars have both positive and negative effects. On one hand we know that with these cars we can get rid of a few cars at home and just have one self-driving car that distributes everyone in their destination and later picks them up. This way the gas consumption in a household is much less. Not only will these cars help with the bills, but they may also help with the communication in a family. The family members will be able to socialize much more since the parents don’t have to be driving, and can focus much more on the kids. It can be seen as a “private driver” and there will no longer be the need to get license and no longer need to wait in the RMV office.
Even though Self-Driving Cars has a positive effect it also has negative ones, for example the amount of accidents that may be caused because of this. These cars may also be used as acts of terrorism, they may use them as bombed cars and since they do not have a driver by doing this they wont have to sacrifice anyone. There is also a chance that the software running the car gets compromised and the car creates an enormous catastrophe involving other cars and humans. Not only can there be physical accidents, but also driving related jobs will no longer be needed, bus drivers and taxi drivers will be unemployed and they will no longer bring food to their home, they will have to find another way of living.