Shutting Down the Power Plan

The nuclear power plant in India Point, NY generates over 2,000 megawatts of electric power. It provides 30% of the electricity to NY, and there are now talks of closing the plant down. There would be both pros and cons if this decision were to go through…but which one outweighs the other?

India Point's power plant

If the plant were to shut down, you would have to consider the jobs that would be lost. In today’s tough economy, shutting down the plant would be a devastating blow for all of it’s employees.

Another setback would be the loss of that 30% of electricity the plant produces for the city. If it were to shut down, where and how would they make up for that loss? Would it be as cheap as how they get it from the plant? These questions would have to be answered if they omitted India Point’s power plant.

Lastly, India Point’s plant in just 30 miles south of the city. A lot of the power NY gets does run into some congestion from time to time, whereas India Point’s power runs without obstacles straight into the city.

On the contrary, there could be an upside to shutting it down. Many people believe that there are options for cleaner, more efficient energy with less emissions. With the threat of global warming, this is absolutely something to think about.

Another thing to think about is the possibility of accidental leaks at the plant. NYC is the most densely populated city in the country, so if a disaster were to take place, an evacuation process is almost impossible.

Protesting for the plant to close due to safety issues


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