In today’s world we are faced with two major problems when it comes to energy. The first problem is that the energy we are using creates a great deal of greenhouse gases and this is having dangerous effects on the planet. The need to develop and put into use different forms of green energy has never been greater than it is now. The second problem that we face is the need to meet a growing dependance on energy. As the population rises there comes a demand for more energy and that demand has to be met. Energy is a vital force in daily life and anyone who has lost power for a few days can appreciate just how greatly they rely on energy. So here we are at this junction. The need to stop using dirty energy and switch to green energy crosses paths with a rising demand for energy production. This would be alright is green technology was more developed, but right now there is doubt as to the current energy-output of green technology and it will take a few years, or more, for the technology to replace dirtier energy sources such as coal.
Now the question is what is being done about this? Well thankfully green technology is on the rise and will one day reach its potential to replace all dirty energy sources, but until this transition is a reality there is still a growing demand for energy. Here is where nuclear energy comes in. Nuclear energy is greener that coal and other similar dirty energies, producing no carbon waste, and it has the capability to provide energy to thousands of people. It’s green, it meets demand, so why is there still a problem? Well people are frightened. People have always been weary of such a powerful and destructive force despite its clear benefits. It’s this fear of nuclear energy that is the subject of this post. The Indian Point nuclear power plant is being threatened by people who want it shut down, and personally I don’t think they know what they’re asking for. Looking at the pros and cons of shutting the plant down, I consider the loss of the plant to greater outweigh the risks.
To see my reasoning being my opinion, read by Indian Point Page.