Robotics Experience/ Measuring Speed and distance
Robotics Experience
In this team exercise, we used the same cars (robots) that we had built last week. Here we measure the distance of how the wheels travel and the speed of the car.
We measured the diameter of the wheel and computed the circumference of the wheel in meters.
Such as (pie* diameter), and this will equal the circumference.
3.14 (wheel diameter ) (m)
3.14 ( 5.5) (.01) = 0.172
Trial #1
Power level of 75
In this first trial, we used a 75 power level with a time of 3 seconds.
The wheel rotation in degrees came out as 1789 and the # of wheels turn was 4.96. The degrees that the wheel rotated is related to the number of turns of the wheel since it used that force to move at that speed.
The time it took for the wheels to turn was 3 seconds, and since there are 1,000 milliseconds in one second therefore it took 3,000 milliseconds for this trial. The distance the car moved was .90 cm.
We then measured the distance with a ruler and it was .85 and compared the actual result of the VI with our measurement and used this formula to get a % error amount.
%Error= Distance (ruler) – Distance (computer) / Average = * 100%
90-85/ 87.5= 5 = 0.05* 100%= 0.057
Trial 2
Power level 100
Time:1 sec
# of wheels turn: 2.177
Rotation: 784
Rotation 2 : 792
Distance: 0.39
Estimated distance= 0.37
In this trial we changed the power level so here we used 100 as a power level, and 1 second. The # of wheels turned was 2.177 and the first rotation was 784 and rotation 2= 792. The amount of velocity it used was 0.374. In that case the distance it actually traveled was 0.39 but with the ruler we measured 0.37 so it was close.
37-39= 2/ 38 = 0.05
Trial 3
Time: 1 sec
Power level: 25
Rotation: 349
Rotation 2: 340
Wheel turn: .9694
Distance: 0.16
*Estimated Distance=0.19
In this trial we used a power level of 25 in 2 seconds. It rotated at 349 and the # of wheels turn was .9694. Its distance was 0.16 but the distance we had measured was 0.19.
% error= 19- 16= 3/ 17.5= 0.171
Trial 4
Power level 75
Time 1 sec
Rotation2= 559
Overall, this was a interesting hands on project since we experienced how speed and distance are related to each other and how it can impact its results and its speed.