Tom Vale’s Demo


Tom Vales has an incredible amount of information, I have always learned from him something.  His visit to our class was full of new materials, he talked about radioactivity.  He provided us with examples and samples which he had brought.  I learned about the Geiger counter usage. I also learned the difference between the least dangerous alpha, beta, and gamma particles which are the most dangerous particles.  He provided us with some examples of nuclear disasters that had happened and its impact on population like the one in the Three Mile Island.

Raydon, Plutonium, and Radium were also in his presentation. They were not known to have any effects on everyday life. I have learned that radio active elements are currently unstable since they are changing its chemical make up.  Half life is a process where it decays elements into lead, the shorter it is the more dangerous it becomes which make it radio active.

He also talked about Marie Curie, who had won two Noble prizes. Marie Curie’s husband had discovered Polonium and Radium, he died because of anemia. Being around radioactive elements could causes death since it can inter our bodies without noticing.  Around the 1950’s radiation poisoned many things, Tom’s had showed us how a Geiger counter could measure the amount of radiation that an object has, which he have brought. A 10,000 bombs is a Plutonium bomb that caused thousands of people to die from the radiation poisoning that it caused.

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