Robot’s Activity

Lab 1 :


First day of lab our task was to put logos together to assemble a robot.  It a was a bit tricky to do so since there were a lot of tiny little parts that looked the same to me.  However, after assembling the robot we had the chance to actually run it by inserting the battery in the bottom of the device.  Then we plugged it to the PC and we ran the Labview program to test it.  Then on the second day we had to measure the circumference of the robot and it was 0.18 meters.

Circumference = π(diameter)

Then we were asked to measure the distance using the ruler and compare it with the Labview program in different trials by changing power and time 3 times. (9 total).  As well as number of turns, velocity, and error percentage.  in order to get percentage error we had to use this equation:

%Error= ((DistanceRuler- DistanceLabview)/((DistanceRuler+DistanceLabview)/2))*100

And the results were as shown:



Time: 2 Seconds            Power: 38

Trials#                             Trial 1              Trial2           Trial3

Distance(ruler)                 0.28               0.278            0.281

Distance(Labview)          0.283              0.2775          0.2815

# of turns                          1.5722             1.5416           1.5638

Velocity                             0.1415              0.1387          0.1470

% Error                             -1.06                  0.18             -0.17




Time: 1.5 Seconds            Power: 42

Trials#                               Trial 1              Trial2           Trial3

Distance(ruler)                 0.236              0.233            0.234

Distance(Labview)          0.233              0.233            0.2342

# of turns                          1.297               1.2944           1.2916

Velocity                             0.156               0.1553            0.155

% Error                             1.279                     0               -0.10




Time: 1.2 Seconds            Power: 60

Trials#                             Trial 1              Trial2           Trial3

Distance(ruler)                 0.274              0.273           0.273

Distance(Labview)          0.275              0.272            0.273

# of turns                          1.528             1.513               1.516

Velocity                             0.229              0.227            0.2275

% Error                             -0.364             -0.18                0





Lab 2:



The second lab was a bit tricky and challenging.  Our task was to use the Lego Mindstorm motor to lift weights with a pulley.  In the beginning my partner and I had to measure the weight in order to get the mass.  Total mass attached to the pulley was 200 grams.  Then we connected the motor to the computer and ran the assigned VI file on Labview in order to start the measurements.  However it was very helpful that we did not need to write down any of the results after running the motor, our professor showed us a way where we can find all the results stored on Excel after doing all the trials.  Labview automatically store all results and sends it to Excel.  Our job was to find out how fast does the motor pulls the weight and how much time does it take.  We manually change the the power in order to compare results.  We had to do four trials with the same power, we decided to make it 60.  And 4 other trials with different mass, we chose 160 grams.  We explored Newton’s second law F = m * a.  As well as finding potential energy PE=m*g*h.  After we got all the measurements we were able to find the power used by this formula:

Power used=PE/time

On the next part we were asked to plot different diagrams to clearly show and support our results and measurements.



Results were as shown:

Speed(rpm) Battery Discharge Mass Power Time Acceleration Potential Energy Power used
74.391172 83 0.12 60 1.752 42.460715 0.4116 0.2349
72.403616 55 0.14 60 1.807 40.068409 0.4802 0.2657
71.312935 55 0.18 60 2.059 34.634743 0.6174 0.2998
72.94811 41 0.2 60 2.319 31.45671 0.686 0.2958
91.730442 83 0.16 75 1.568 58.501558 0.5488 0.35
93.557727 56 0.16 80 0.921 101.582766 0.5488 0.5958
104.619226 97 0.16 85 1.335 78.366461 0.5488 0.411
112.163146 42 0.16 90 1.373 81.692022 0.5488 0.3997

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Lab 3:


In this lab our task was to generate power through the shaking of a flashlight with a magnet that moves back and forth inside a coil of wire.  Then we were asked to collect date through Labview program.  Main goal was to understand Faraday’s Law which states that changing magnetic fluxes through coiled wires generate electricity, so the more we shake the flashlight the more electricity we generate.  We correlated the number of shakes of the generator in a thirty second interval, with the voltages.  Then we calculated the sum of the squares of the voltages.  We repeated the procedure three more times with different rates of shakes.  Results were as shown:




Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Voltages Squared Voltages Voltages Squared Voltages Voltages Squared Voltages
0.03663 0.001341757 -5.57008 31.02579121 0.26757 0.071593705
-0.77166 0.595459156 -2.68333 7.200259889 -0.33544 0.112519994
-0.04035 0.001628123 -5.55725 30.88302756 0.01097 0.000120341
-0.00186 3.46E-06 -0.20714 0.04290698 -0.04035 0.001628123
0.0238 0.00056644 -4.2101 17.72494201 0.0238 0.00056644
0.33172 0.110038158 0.0238 0.00056644 0.0238 0.00056644
-1.2592 1.58558464 0.46002 0.2116184 -0.07884 0.006215746
0.52417 0.274754189 -0.06601 0.00435732 -0.06601 0.00435732
0.43436 0.18866861 0.22908 0.052477646 -1.0026 1.00520676
-0.06601 0.00435732 -0.05318 0.002828112 -3.10672 9.651709158
5.51504 30.4156662 -5.55725 30.88302756 -0.20714 0.04290698
-0.01469 0.000215796 6.51578 42.45538901 -0.00186 3.46E-06
-0.33544 0.112519994 5.56636 30.98436365 -0.07884 0.006215746
-0.97694 0.954411764 -3.14521 9.892345944 -0.09167 0.008403389
-0.24563 0.060334097 -5.58291 31.16888407 -0.01469 0.000215796
-0.05318 0.002828112 6.46446 41.78924309 -0.09167 0.008403389
-0.00186 3.46E-06 -0.06601 0.00435732 -0.06601 0.00435732
3.34677 11.20086943 3.4879 12.16544641 -0.07884 0.006215746
-0.86147 0.742130561 -0.09167 0.008403389 5.97692 35.72357269
5.04033 25.40492651 6.37465 40.63616262 -0.09167 0.008403389
-0.15582 0.024279872 0.16493 0.027201905 -0.04035 0.001628123
0.0238 0.00056644 -0.04035 0.001628123 -1.23354 1.521620932
-4.94141 24.41753279 1.08869 1.185245916 6.46446 41.78924309
-0.06601 0.00435732 0.08795 0.007735203 -0.07884 0.006215746
-1.91353 3.661597061 -5.57008 31.02579121 -0.06601 0.00435732
0.9219 0.84989961 0.47285 0.223587123 -0.07884 0.006215746
4.74524 22.51730266 -0.41242 0.170090256 -0.06601 0.00435732
-1.97768 3.911218182 0.01097 0.000120341 -1.28486 1.65086522
-5.55725 30.88302756 0.01097 0.000120341 3.62903 13.16985874
Sum of Squared Voltages Sum of Squared Voltages Sum of Squared Voltages
189.5849093 359.777919 104.8175442
# of Shakes # of Shakes # of Shakes
60 63 71



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Lab 4:

This lab was pretty interesting because I always wanted to experience how solar panels work and how do they generate electricity.  In this lab me and my partner had the chance to actually try to generate electric power through the panels we were given.  At the beginning we had to open the Labview program in order to take measurement and record them and then have them organized in Excel.  We had a flash light and a solar panel as well as different colors to put on the top of the panel to observe the effect of colors on solar panels.  We also had to do different trial with different distances.  The results we as shown below:

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6
0.58832 0.537 0.58832 0.48568 0.54983 0.49851
0.49851 0.47285 0.48568 0.537 0.56266 0.48568
0.54983 0.54983 0.52417 0.48568 0.537 0.48568
0.58832 0.52417 0.537 0.47285 0.47285 0.57549
0.58832 0.48568 0.48568 0.49851 0.46002 0.51134
0.58832 0.48568 0.54983 0.46002 0.47285 0.54983
0.48568 0.49851 0.47285 0.46002 0.47285 0.48568
0.58832 0.56266 0.51134 0.47285 0.56266 0.46002
0.54983 0.54983 0.57549 0.46002 0.46002 0.46002
0.51134 0.58832 0.56266 0.47285 0.52417 0.537


Red Orange Blue Black
0.57549 0.47285 0.48568 0.47285
0.57549 0.48568 0.54983 0.52417
0.46002 0.47285 0.47285 0.46002
0.49851 0.47285 0.47285 0.46002
0.46002 0.56266 0.47285 0.47285
0.56266 0.537 0.537 0.46002
0.49851 0.47285 0.47285 0.46002
0.48568 0.56266 0.47285 0.51134
0.47285 0.54983 0.56266 0.46002
0.54983 0.537 0.54983 0.46002


Colors Averages
Red 0.513906
Orange 0.512623
Blue 0.504925
Black 0.474133

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Distances Averages
0 0.553679
3 0.525453
7 0.529302
10 0.480548
14 0.507491
17 0.504925
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