Electricity Generation Methods



Electricity Generation from Coal-fired Method:


  • Coal (thermal coal) is converted through power stations to generate electricity.
  • The Coal is milled to fine powder.
  • Quickly turned into a burner of (PCC), & blown into the boiler located in the combustion chamber.
  • The hot gases & heat energy produced while converting water is burnt at a high temperature.
  • From there in the tubes lining the boiler produces steam.
  • The steam passes and turns into “a turbine”.
  • The turbine rotates into a generator  mounted at one end of the turbine shaft with wire coils.
  • The electricity is generated into a magnetic steam & condensed into a boiler again to be heated one more time.
  • The electricity that has been generated from this is transformed into higher voltages up to 400,000 volts. To be used for economic & efficient transmission.(Line Grids) Once the steam as reached its consumption point. The electricity is transformed down. To the voltage systems in a safer. At 100-250 voltages and used for domestic market purposes (houses).



 Natural Gas Consumption in electric power sectors:

The electric generation is primary fueled in the US by the natural gas method and coal.


The reasons electric power sector consumption was attributed to the range in gas prices. Was because of the Natural gas spot prices at $2.70 – $3.68 in 2013. Leading to a few falls in the use of natural gas used for power generation when industrial sector’s continue to rise.

By Lowering electric-sector demand for natural gas lost a bit of its electric -sector marketing share with coal in 2013.


Due to the higher natural gas rate prices compared with coal prices, and cooler summer weather compared with 2012. The electric power sector of natural gas consumption was at an estimated average down by 12% in 2013- November (says the EIA).


 Nuclear Power Plants Method/ Comparisons:

  • Nuclear Power plants release energy from a reactor that produces and controls the atoms created of uranium.
  • The nuclear power is just as efficient as the  electricity generated from the way it would work as the coal or gas-fired power stations. The difference is in the core reactor itself!
  • The reactor core sits inside a steel pressure vessel, water around it remains liquid even at the operating temperature over 320°C.
  • Steam is formed above the reactor core or in separate pressure vessels, & this drives the (turbine) like the coal method to produce electricity.
  • The steam is then condensed and the water recycled.






  1. Resources: http://www.worldcoal.org/coal/uses-of-coal/coal-electricity/
  2. Resources: http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=14031
  3. Resources: http://www.world-nuclear.org/nuclear-basics/how-does-a-nuclear-reactor-make-electricity-/

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