The goal of this experiment is to acknowledge the relationship light intensity and the voltage output of the solar cell, as well as the relationship between the wavelength of light and the voltage output of the solar cell.
One solar cell
One voltage probe
One NXT adaptor
NXT with light sensor
One light source
Labview VI vi
Colored film filters
Excel sheet
Set Up:
Plug battery on NXT with light sensor
Plug the NXT adaptor to NXT with light sensor through a USB cable (code number 1)
Connect voltage probe to a solar cell by cables (red-red) and (black-black)
Connect USB cable between computer and NXT with light sensor
The Experiment:
1st Part:
Open Labview
Put Solar on top of flashlight which is zero distance.
Use ruler to measure the distance between flashlight and solar cell.
Choose 4 more different distances to measure
Press START on the Labview program to record the voltage ouput
At the first experiment, we only got 10 numbers of data for each test
Open Excel File after each test to calculate the average those ten numbers to get one final result.
To calculate average, we tried to get the sum of 10 numbers then divided by ten.
results: Solar lab 1
2nd part:
Open the labview program
We chose 4 cm as the only distance in this experiment
There is 4 colored film filters: orange, light blue, dark blue, and light purple
Put each of them in front of the flashlight for each test.
Press START to record the data
Open Excel Spreadsheet and calculate average of 10 numbers for each color as what we did in the first experiment.
Finally, we came up with this result for the second experiment
results: SOLAR lab 2
With this experiment, I learned that the voltage output can be afftected by distance and color. When the distance is far away from the light source, the voltage output will also decrease because the light is not powerful and strong at the longer distance. Additionally, even though the light source and solar cell stay at the same direction for the whole experiment, the voltage output can still be changed by the difference of light color. When we used dark color, the voltage increased and vice versa. similarly to when we wear black and red in a warm day and feel more hot because dark colors can capture more temperature and energy than the lighter colors.