Climate Action plan

The President’s Climate Action Plan 

The Obama Administration seems to have a firm grasp on goals and dedication to the decline of carbon pollution in America. The administration promised to reduce green house gas emissions by about 17 % by 2020. The plan is broken up into three large parts, Cutting carbon pollution in America, preparing he u.s. for impacts of climate change and leading international efforts for climate change

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Part three of the plan to cut carbon pollution is cutting energy waste in homes, businesses and factories. To reduce energy bills for American families and businesses the Obama administration concentrated on energy efficiency in urban developments. New standards will be put in place for a minimum efficiency standard for house hold appliances to cut consumer’s electricity bills. The better buildings challenge is focused on helping commercial and industrial buildings to become both more energy and cost efficient.

Another aspect to Obamas plan is to Reducing Methane emissions because it accounts for about 9 percent of domestic green house gas emissions. Although our methane emissions have declined since 1990, multiple groups are assessing emissions data and identifying technologies to reduce emissions more. The Administration is taking a collaborative approach to reducing emissions. reducing methane gas in coal mines, landfills, agriculture, as well as oil and gas developments. Obama will work collaboratively with state governments as well as private sectors to improve air quality.

Expanding Clean Energy use and cutting energy waste is part of the administrations goal of targeting resources towards renewables by participating in the sustainable energy for all initiative. The efforts of this energy for all include natural gas, where they partnering state and private companies and launch a program to share the best practices on issues like water management, methane emissions, air quality and much more of the issues faced when Fracking for natural gas. Nuclear power is also a factor the U.S. will promote nuclear power worldwide. the us is advising international partners on the best and safest practices when it comes to  nuclear waste, storage, training, regulations and more. the U.S. wants to promote safe nuclear energy worldwide and maximize safety and nonproliferation. Next Clean coal is a focus, the U.S. is working with other countries that relay more heavily on coal to clean the production of energy by this means. We led the carbon sequestration leadership forum where 23 other countries are involved with these technologies. Lastly as a part of expanding clean energy the Obama administration is aggressively pushing bilateral programs to be cost effective and higher performance. they wants to improve building efficiency, reduce energy consumption at water waste treatment facilities and expanding global standards for efficiency.


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