Durring The Lab we learned about velocity, distance and Acceleration and motion in general
main points of motion are:
Speed: distance traveled per time
Distance: amount / length traveled when associated with speed
Velocity: has direction and speed
Acceleration: time rate of change in velocity
many of these main ideas have equations associated with them that we had to use in the experiment when determining our percentage of error.
after constructing our robot and attaching the correct wires ( harder than it sounds )
the things we needed to know to determine out percentage of error when running the robot in a straight line with changing the distance measured, number of wheel turns, distance measured by the computer program and the robots velocity.
we changed the power level variable and the amount of time to achieve different results:
the diameter of the wheels of the robot where 1″
the # or wheel turns = rotation % (360 degrees / Rotation)
total distance = # of turns x circumference
velocity =distance / time
the percent of error is the absolute value of the distance we measured minus the distance from the lab computer divided by the average of the distance measured plus the distance from the lab divided by 2 then multiplying that answer by 100.
% of error = Absolute value of the [ distance measured-lab distance]
—————————————— X 100
average of distance measured + distance lab
our first run we did
time= 3 seconds and the power level 25
the three results varied only slightly in number of wheel turns distance was consistently 9 ” and the lab distance was 0.21 as well
the velocity was 0.071
likewise the wheel turns where close but only varied by a decimal point averaging out to about a 1.28
our percent of error here was 10%
our second run was by far the most successful as far as less percentage of error
we did 2 seconds at power level 45
distance measured – 12.25 in / .310 m
distance in lab -.304m
#of turns – 1.78
percentage of error 1%
to determine the percentage of error we simply plugged these functions into the above equation.
lastly our third run was for 1 second at a power of 75 this proved to have wider margin of error with an error percentage of 22%
unlike our other two runs the distance measured ( 265m) and the lab distance (.259m) differed more than one or two decimal points although our velocity and distance remained close in all three runs.
- we determined that the higher the power level the more percentage or error you have, the ideal speed(power level) is somewhere between 75 and 25. this power level helps the robot to stay straight to record accurate distance and the velocity is not too high where the number of turns is greater and the robot is exerting more energy than needed to go roughly similar distances.