Dear readers,
Today we begin this portion of the post with a subject that has surfaced more than once in this little teeny blog: nuclear power.
This particular article contains videos touting some of the arguments made for both keeping open and closing the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in NY.
SO, dear readers, to Youtube!
I had to mouse around to find some more interesting videos other than Fox News clips…(uh, thanks, but no thanks).
Then I found these:
Indian Point Engineers – YouTube.
Now, I thought it was certainly a good shtick for keeping the plant open…but then I made one more click and I ended up with this look:
All kudos go to this video:
Mayor Giuliani and Indian Point – YouTube.
Notice any similarities?
That’s right, kids. The scripts are pretty much the very same commercial, with different actors. Oh, and guess whose Youtube channel I found those little gems on…
(Drum roll please.)
Indian Point’s Youtube channel!
(YAY Propaganda! )
Onward I clicked and I found an excellent little video from CNN:
Tour Indian Point nuclear power plant – YouTube.
Now, according to the Wikipedia article, Indian Point has had leakage issues before but what this CNN clip revealed was that scientist believe that this plant stands on an active seismic area. (Read: risk of earthquakes…right under a nuclear power plant.) Though the higher-ups claim that the plant is built to withstand a magnitude 6 earthquake, Fukushima Daiichi had all kinds of backups for such “unexpected” events.
ALSO, the plant only provides about 25% of the city’s energy. Now, earlier in the blog we discussed Demand Response. Hmm, sounds like there might be a way to figure out how to cut down on energy use so that the plant could be shut down.
Indian Point Energy Center – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Feel free to poke around that Wikipedia article, and then draw your own conclusions!