Pro Maintenance Tips For Motorized Blinds And Shades

Rapid advancements in modern technology have gifted us with various innovative home appliances. In recent times, people are upgrading their window blinds to motorized ones that provide more energy efficiency and convenience of use. Unlike traditional window curtains, motorized window shades are not as straightforward to maintain and clean. Several moving parts and sophisticated electronic components need careful consideration for homeowners to take proper care of this appliance. However, it isn’t as difficult as it sounds. To enjoy the convenience of motorized window shades, you need a little care and maintenance. Here are a few must- know methods you can incorporate to clean your energy-efficient window blinds.

Use A Vacuum Cleaner:

Use a vacuum cleaning method to eliminate dust particles from the shades. Dusting doesn’t only help get rid of the filth but also keeps the blinds fresh. Use a dry cloth to wipe all the dirt from the motorized blind and use a soft brush attached to a handheld vacuum cleaner to get the best results. Remember, the soft brush attachment is a must to avoid damaging the fabric.

Rubber Sponge:

A rubber sponge is an ideal alternative to a vacuum for removing stains or grime from the window blinds. Remember not to use water or soap in this process to keep the electronic motors safe from any malfunctions.

Lamb’s Wool:

Using a lamb’s wool duster can increase the efficiency of your cleaning process. Slide the duster horizontally along each vane of the blind. Remember to move from the top portion of the blind and go to the bottom thoroughly so that you do not skip any slat. Moreover, cleaning the upper slats ensures that no dirt particle lands on the lower slats.

Do not spray cleaning solutions:

Never apply any cleaning solution directly to the blinds. Spraying can damage the vanes and the motorized parts. Conversely, using a wet piece of cloth to wipe the blinds gently won’t affect the system, given that the towel is not dripping, but you should be careful not to damage the fabric.

Some more tips to follow

  • Firstly, do not use harsh chemicals to avoid damaging the fabric.
  • Do not apply too much pressure while cleaning sophisticated blinds. For example, wooden blinds need specialized products and cleaning techniques.
  • It is advisable to clean the shades during the day for better results. As the sun rays can dry the window blinds, this can act as a restorative method.
  • Lastly, do not forget to clean the window frame and the glass of dirt and dust. This way, you would be able to properly maintain the entire window area and not just the blinds.

Wrapping up

Cleaning and dusting are necessary for a healthy living condition. It reflects your personality and lifestyle to visitors, relatives, and neighbors. Adopt a regular cleaning routine to save your fancy window blinds from long-term damage. Follow the aforementioned tips and techniques to clean them properly. Talk to professionals if your blind motors get jammed to reduce any complications.

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