Studio One | Second Year

This was my first Interior Design project. It’s a loft space for two professors, one a design professor and the other a fine arts professor. The challenge was to create a space where both could live comfortably, while having a few different specific needs. I chose to create the separate rooms within the loft and under it, giving the two some space for personal time. They share the kitchen, living and study areas together and love to host friends in these rooms. I was inspired by the idea of neutral colors with a pop here and there and decided to incorporate this bold idea within my design.

Concept Board

First Floor Plan | Autocad & Hand Render

Second Floor Loft Plan | Autocad & Hand Render

Study Perspective | Sketchup & Hand Render

Kitchen Perspective | Sketchup & Hand Render

Longitudinal Section | Autocad & Hand Render

Transverse Section | Autocad & Hand Render

Bubble Diagrams

Block Diagram