Contract Two | Third Year

For my Contract 2 project, I was challenged to put two separate types of design under one roof. This project is for a CVS and Aetna Health care merge. I have spaces that are largely retail, as well as spaces for doctors appointments. Within my program I include addition spaces such as a pharmacy, cafe and waiting areas. My concept for this design was to stay clean and spacious, therefore trying to eliminate the amount of objects on the ground. This led me to creating custom shelving units the hang from the ceiling (I show this in much detail within my Furniture and Detailing course section. I incorporate this idea in other places such as seating for both the cafe and office space. This project was an interesting and challenging spin on the normal commercial design by adding health care into the mix.

Entry Cafe Perspective | Revit & Photoshop

Longitudinal Section | Revit & Photoshop

Transverse Section | Revit & Photoshop

First Floor Plan | Revit & Photoshop

Second Floor Plan | Revit & Photoshop

First Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan | Revit & Photoshop

Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan | Revit & Photoshop

Entry and Checkout Perspective | Revit & Photoshop

Pharmacy and Balcony Perspective | Revit & Photoshop

First Floor Axonometric | Revit & Photoshop

Second Floor Axonometric | Revit & Photoshop

Bubble Diagrams

First Floor Block Diagram

Second Floor Block Diagram

First Floor Circulation Diagram

Second Floor Circulation Diagram