Pandora’s Promise

Pandora’s Promise is a perfect example of how a largely accepted public opinion can be believed without any supportive evidence. The movie starts out with a group of activists all protesting the use of Nuclear energy. The thought behind this protest was largely motivated by health concerns. The radiation was believed to cause cancer and other health problems. People were also concerned with the idea that Nuclear energy would be used in weapons. Along with their legitimate concerns, people often listen to the opinion of the general population. Nuclear energy gained a bad reputation among many people, only causing more concern and chaos. As the movie goes on the generalized opinion that nuclear energy was dangerous began to change. As scientists did more research on the topic, no bad results provided the theories correct. Although the movie does reveal some of the downsides to nuclear energy, it talks about some of the positive aspects. The movie did a great job of emphasizing the importance of doing your own research. I would recommend this movie to someone if they were interested in the environment and different forms of energy.

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