Mars has been an object of human exploration for a long while. There have been many research missions to mars that have fallen short of success. The efforts made have proven to be more difficult than ever imagined. There has been a few successful exploration vehicles to land. These vehicles has been gathering information necessary to not only allow human exploration, but eventually a prolonged stay on the red planet.
The first unmanned spacecraft to Mars was able to gather some data, however it returned data for only about 20 seconds before it went dark. Data revealed much information about atmosphere, weather, geology, and the planet’s topography. There has been many myths that martian canals showed evidence of an ancient civilization.
Many missions to Mars are currently in development. Many of which will be key to the opportunity to allow a human to go to the planet. Scientists are trying to create a robotic craft that can go beneath the surface. Hopefully they will find signs of water and life.
Many robotic spacecraft and rovers are gathering information about the planet that will eventually gives the answers needed to allow human explorers. Radiation is currently being tested to develop a plan to protect astronauts in the future. All the data collected is being utilized to hopefully create technology that will allow living on Mars one day. NASA is a leader in a Global Exploration Roadmap. They have international partner and U.S commercial space industry on a coordinated expansion of human presence into the solar system.