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The 2022-2023 Series

Donahue Lecture Series 2022-2023
The Suffolk University Law Review announces the 2022-2023 Donahue Lecture Series featuring the following lecturers:

The 129th Lecture with NUSL Professor Emily Spieler – November 3rd, 2022 [Read More]

The 130th Lecture with Dr. Lenore Walker – March 2nd, 2023 [Read More]

The 131st Lecture with Attorney Patrick Levin – April 13th, 2023 [Read More]
Each lecture is held at the Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont Street, Boston, MA. Reception to immediately follow.

The Suffolk University Law Review Donahue Lecture Series is open to the public consistent with the university’s COVID-19 Visitor Policy.  Suffolk University Law students are encouraged to attend.