Oct 14, 2016 | Book 2, Notes, Print Edition, Volume 49
In the Internet age, protecting the privacy interests of individuals who predecease their digital accounts has resulted in ongoing legal uncertainty. Much of the ambiguity stems from inconsistent regulation of digital privacy by federal and state governments, as well...
Oct 14, 2016 | Book 2, Notes, Print Edition, Volume 49
Foreign corruption has run rampant for a tremendous amount of time. To directly address this problem, Congress enacted the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in 1977. Corruption has adverse effects on democratic institutions; it deteriorates public accountability...
Oct 14, 2016 | Book 2, Notes, Print Edition, Volume 49
From television commercials and magazine ads to labels and packaging, food and beverage manufacturers spend a significant amount of money advertising their products. Congress passed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) to ensure that food and beverage...
Oct 14, 2016 | Book 2, Case Comments, Print Edition, Volume 49
Infringement of patent claims is a statutory tort. The United States Code governs direct infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), which encompasses infringement of both apparatus and method claims. Infringement of a method claim requires its use by the performance of...
Apr 5, 2016 | Book 1, Current, Print Edition, Volume 49
The Puzzling Persistence of Acquitted Conduct in Federal Sentencing, and What Can Be Done About It Barry L. Johnson One might think, at first glance, that the recognition of a Sixth Amendment right to have a jury rather than a judge determine relevant sentencing facts...