Feb 18, 2016 | Current, Current Notes, Notes, Number 2, Print Edition, Volume 48
“Buzzworthy,” “BYOD” (bring your own device), and “selfie” have been added to the free Oxford Dictionaries Online after each word has worked its way into common usage or even into the respected print Oxford Dictionary. “Friend” is no longer a mere noun or synonym for...
Feb 18, 2016 | Current, Current Notes, Notes, Number 2, Print Edition, Volume 48
Besides their strong economic enticement, the hosts of “Bring Your Own Booze” (BYOB) parties may have inadvertently discovered a strong legal incentive for hosting this form of party, namely to escape civil liability. Individuals under the legal drinking age often...
Feb 18, 2016 | Current, Current Notes, Notes, Number 2, Print Edition, Volume 48
Sex offenders are some of the most hated and feared members of our society. This revulsion towards sex offenders is because they are considered more likely than other criminals to offend again. Accordingly, the public seeks to strengthen legislation that imposes...
Nov 9, 2015 | Current, Current Notes, Notes, Number 2, Print Edition, Volume 48
Sperm stealing—also known as the unauthorized use of sperm—comes in several forms, which fall in three categories: sperm stashing, nonconsensual sexual intercourse, and the improper use of artificial reproductive technology (ART). Sperm stashing usually occurs...
Oct 27, 2015 | Current, Current Notes, Notes, Number 2, Print Edition, Volume 48
Consumers across the country cannot help but notice that the natural food industry has caught onto their preferences for “all natural” food. Natural food has developed into a thirty-seven billion dollar per year industry in response to consumers’ attraction to “all...
Oct 21, 2015 | Current, Current Notes, Notes, Number 2, Print Edition, Volume 48
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees personal privacy by limiting the government’s ability to conduct searches and seizures in the absence of probable cause. When the government believes that an individual has been involved in criminal...