Mar 9, 2011 | Case Comments, Number 1, Print Edition, Volume 44
Article VI of the Constitution establishes the supremacy of federal law over the states, while the Eleventh Amendment grants the states immunity from suit without their consent. The incompatibility of these provisions becomes apparent, however, when a defendant state...
Mar 9, 2011 | Lead Articles, Number 1, Print Edition, Volume 44
In July 2010, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which fills many of the gaps in mortgage regulation that brought the United States economy to its knees. This new law and the debates leading up to it grabbed the headlines...
Mar 9, 2011 | Lead Articles, Number 1, Print Edition, Volume 44
It would be difficult to overstate the dire condition of the U.S. economy as inherited by President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. At that time, the economy stood on the precipice of collapse. Over the past year and a half, a combination of economic stimulus...
Mar 9, 2011 | Case Comments, Number 1, Print Edition, Volume 44
The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that persons shall be free from searches that invade their reasonable expectation of privacy without a warrant issued on the basis of probable cause. Search incident to an arrest represents one of four...
Mar 9, 2011 | Lead Articles, Number 1, Print Edition, Volume 44
Across America, drivers pass twice as many payday loan storefronts as Starbucks coffee shops. In twenty-nine states, there are more payday lender stores than McDonald’s restaurants. Numerous research studies warn of the dangers associated with payday loans,...
Mar 9, 2011 | Lead Articles, Number 1, Print Edition, Volume 44
This article considers how the law of public nuisance might be applied to protect neighborhoods from the destructive forces of the mortgage crisis. For more than thirty years I have been a close observer and a participant in community development at the neighborhood...