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The New Limited Partner Liability Shield: Has the Vanquished Control Rule Unwittingly Resurrected Lingering Limited Partner Estoppel Liability as Well as Full General Partner Liability?

Closely-Held Business Symposium:  The Uniform Limited Partnership Act The heart and soul of limited partnership law is that general partners are personally liable for partnership obligations but limited partners are not.  Protecting limited partners from personal...

The Reporter’’s Rejoinder

Closely-Held Business Symposium:  The Uniform Limited Partnership Act In his article, The New Limited Partner Liability Shield, Professor Carter Bishop begins with a very useful history of the control rule, which ULPA (2001) has eliminated.  He then suggests two sets...

The Want of a Theory, Again

Closely-Held Business Symposium:  The Uniform Limited Partnership Act In a previous article, we stated that the drafters of unincorporated organization statutes, including the Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2001) (ULPA) and the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act...

Entity Proliferation

Closely-Held Business Symposium:  The Uniform Limited Partnership Act The analysis of “”entity proliferation”” is complex, primarily because there are serious problems of definition and classification.  It is often difficult to decide whether a...