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Criticizing Presidential Candidates: An Absolute Privilege

[I]t is of the utmost consequence that the people should discuss the character and qualifications of candidates for their suffrages.  The importance to the state and to society of such discussions is so vast and the advantages derived are so great that they more than...

Suffolk University Law Review Cited in Treatise

Congratulations to Patrick J. Archambault, J.D. ’16, who was cited in a treatise titled “Blue Sky Law.”  (Citation: Joseph C. Long, et al., Blue Sky Law § 5:31, at nn.29, 38 (2016)). Section 5:31 of the treatise concerning crowdfunding, cites a Note by...

Rationed Justice

In the United States, “equal justice under law” is at the very forefront of our American justice system.  “Equal justice” is meant to guarantee equal access to the justice system.  “Equal access to the judicial process is the sin qua non of a just society.”  Many...