The Editors and Staff of the Suffolk University Law Review are chosen from the second- and third-year Day Division classes and the third- and fourth-year Evening Division classes. Students gain invaluable experience by writing their own works and editing the works of others. Under the supervision of an Editor, Law Review Staff Members develop their legal research, writing, and analytical skills in the course of writing a work of publishable quality. Law Review members may receive up to two credits per semester upon satisfactory completion of their Staff or Editorial duties. Please note that the information on this page is current as of the time posted, but is subject to change.
Suffolk University Law Review membership is determined in one of two ways:
1. Grade On
The top two students with the highest grade point average from each of the first-year Day sections and second-year Evening Division are automatically invited to become members. All students are nevertheless required to submit a piece to the Write-On Competition because submissions are due before class ranks become available.
2. Write-On Competition
The Law Review selects its remaining staff members from the Write-On Competition, which takes place during a two-week period following the end of spring semester exams. Students are advised to not schedule any vacations or make other plans in the two weeks after spring finals.
The Write-On Competition
Generally, the competition is held in the second week after finals after the spring semester. Students can access the case-in-chief and the competition instructions on WebAdvisor once the competition begins.
For reference, sample case comments are available at http://suffolklawreview.org/tag/case-comments/, or in the library, where current volumes of the Law Review are on reserve. Previous issues are also available in the non-circulating periodicals on the 7th floor.
See a sample flyer for the Write-On Competition here.
Law Review Eligibility
Submissions from students meeting the following requirements will be eligible for Law Review membership. (Please note that Write-On Competition submissions are due before grades and class ranks are available.)
To be eligible to compete for Staff membership, a student must:
- Rank within the highest one-third of each of the first-year Day Division sections, or have a cumulative rank within the highest one-third at the end of the first-year Accelerated Juris Doctor program; or
- Have a cumulative rank within the highest one-third at the end of the second-year Evening Division, or the equivalent for the Accelerated Juris Doctor Evening program; or
- Receive the Legal Practice Skills award for Best Brief in either the Day or Evening Divisions.
Students transferring from another law school, students transferring from the Evening Division to the Day Division, and joint-degree candidates may also be eligible to compete but should confirm eligibility prior to competing. For more information, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Ian Lutz.