The Suffolk University Law Review is a student-edited legal periodical published four times each year. The Law Review’s objective is to advance legal education and the legal profession through quality legal commentary and high publication standards. With this goal in mind, the Law Review strives to advance the growing reputation of Suffolk University Law School. Designed primarily as a research tool for the judiciary, practitioners, scholars, and students, the Law Review contains both professionally-authored and student-authored works.
Each issue of the Suffolk University Law Review is divided between works written by professionals and students. Professional contributions are in the form of Lead Articles. Lead Articles, written by prominent jurists, legal scholars, and practitioners, vary greatly in topic and scope. Student-written works include Notes and Case Comments. A Note is an in-depth analysis of a particular field of law and usually concludes by suggesting how the courts should decide future cases or by proposing new legislation. A Case Comment describes and analyzes a recent important appellate court decision and concludes by offering opinions as to the decision’s probable impact on future cases.
Law reviews are the principal medium through which new legal thought and authoritative opinion are presented to the profession. Among all the fields of graduate studies, law reviews are unique because they are edited and produced by students, with minimal faculty oversight. The policy of Suffolk University Law School, its deans, and its faculty is to delegate to the Law Review the greatest possible degree of responsibility and autonomy in connection with its publication.