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This Note examines the creation of the MBTA and its special liability statute.  It also inspects the amendment of the general limitations statute for the types of claims the special MBTA statute covers.  The Note then explores the change from highway development to transit development in Boston’s Southwest Corridor.  Then it reviews the agreements Massachusetts and the MBTA made during the planning, development, and construction of the Big Dig.  This Note analyzes whether the legislature should revoke the MBTA’s limitations period exception in light of statutory history, the Supreme Judicial Court’s misinterpretation of that history, and the MBTA’s failure to perform its legally and non-legally binding obligations.  Given that the Massachusetts legislature did not intend to provide the MBTA with an exception to the limitations period and the MBTA has failed to provide necessary infrastructure upgrades that the state promised, the Joint Committee on Transportation should positively report on and the legislature should pass H.R. 3284 rather than leave it on the floor once more. . . .