Monthly Archives: December 2014

Solar Panel

For this Lab we used different materials like ruler, colorful filters, a lighter, and a  NXT with a light sensor. The purpose of this lab was to observe the relationship between the light and the voltage. Fist we measured the voltage with no filter at a 20 cm distance, then at 23 and 30. the computer run the process  10 times. Then i did the same thing with the color filters, for this process i measured the voltage with 3 different colors those being Red, Blu, Magenta at the same  distance (20 cm). IMG_2572

After finishing this process i graphed the data, the first graph was voltage and distance, and the second graph was voltage vs Color filters.IMG_2573

From the results the red color had the highest intensity. To perform this project we used Data lab view in our classroom computers.

Solar Panels are a good source of energy because the produce energy by observing sun light, also is a non-pollution power, it can be build in remote areas.

Even though Solar panels can be very helpful the environment they are very expensive to be build, and also can work well when is sunny and day time, which doesn’t apply to the Massachusetts  New England  Weather.

Tom Vales Presentation

Tom Vales came to our class to talk about electricity, first he used tesla coils. During his visit he talked about how our generation’s lives is connected with wireless. He also talked about Tesla and Edison who created the alternative and direct current. Edisons creation required power plants to be build. During his talk Vales demonstrated a Tesla coil and a neon cord, and produced light.


In this tour i was really happy to go, but things didn’t end up how i wanted to. We met the group and together took the train to MIT and walked to the nuclear reactor. First we went to one of the classes where one of the professors gave us a lecture about the nuclear power. Professor mentioned informations like the Power is controlled by 6 manual boron-stainless steel blade-type. After the lesson the group was going to take the tour which i couldn’t attend because i didn’t have an identification with me.