Monthly Archives: November 2014


Keystone Pipeline System is an oil pipeline system in Canada and United States. It runs from Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Alberta, Canada to the Illinois and Texas refineries, also to oil tank farms and oil distribution center in Crushing, Oklahoma. This pipeline will allow Canadian and American oil producers to have more access to larger refined markets. This pipeline has a 36 inch diameter and a capacity of 830,000 barrels per day. Pipeline project is a huge project that first was introduced by the Canadians which created a lot of polemics within the United States government, New York Times wrote an article about this issue stating that Environmentalists oppose the project because it would create a conduit to market for petroleum extracted from the Alberta. The construction of the pipeline can have a positive impact for US because will give many people the opportunity to have a job, is estimated that there will be around 13,000 positions available. But then again when the pipeline is build these people will lose their job because is a temporary position. In 2011, the most the global economy emitted 32.6 billion metric tons of carbon pollution. The United States emitted around 5.5 billion United States. Electric power plants produced 2.8 billion tons of those greenhouse gases; vehicle emitted 1.9 billion tons. The Keystone pipeline would add 18.7 million more metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere. Like there are negative impacts by the build of the pipeline there are also positive impacts. By building this Pipeline there will be economic benefits, around 3billion dollars will go towards U.S GDP. This Pipeline provides secure access to domestic crude oil. I personally believe that building the Pipeline will help United States and Canada in many different aspects, those being economic and social.




This weeks blog is definitely one of my favorites and the easiest, this weeks blog is about our final group project. Last weeks Friday we explored different topics on what would our project would be and we couldn’t decide until the last 15 minutes of class. Last Friday we got together again and started to think how we could build our project, we got a fan a lighter with two magnets wires tape and the energy meter. Our main idea was hoe to make this fan produce energy through the lighter we the magnets inside. So we taped the lighter to fan but that didn’t work, then we took the magnets and tape them and that produced energy. When i was about to unplug the fan, one of the magnets flew out to the ceiling and then hit the ground, i didn’t see it just herd the sound. It was fun but dangerous.

Generator Expetriment

Today’s experiment for me was very fun and easy. To complete this experiment

We used the following equipment’s

One generator

Voltage probe

One NXT adaptor


Labview VI

Excel sheet.

We had to perform the experiment 5 times but I only did 3, because my previous data’s on excel were lost.

Steps during the Experiment

Shake the tube at a particular rate.

Count the number of shakes in the data during a 30 seconds time)

Pass the data into excel

lIMG_2044 Calculate  in Excel the sum of the squares of the voltages.

Conclusion: When i graphed the data, i saw that the higher the number of shakes the higher was the  sum square of voltage, i believe that this is because  while shaking the tube, faster your speed is more current is produced and the greater is the flux in the positive and negative magnetic inside the tube.