The first major issue is the instability of the electric grids. The Institute for Energy Research states, “The intermittent power is causing destabilization of the electric grids causing potential blackouts, weakening voltage and causing damage to industrial equipment.” Potential blackouts does not sound too promising. It sounds more like a hassel than anything. Is this the price people should pay in order to reverse all the damage we’ve done? And if yes, have we really created this much damage where we are forced to go back to stone age-like times? (“Germany’s Green Energy..”).
The other major problem is that this plan will not only backfire on Germany economically, but it will also hurt it’s neighboring countries. Germany undertook use of Poland’s and Czech Republic’s power grid without asking permission to do so. This is where they export all the excess energry due to in overload of backup devices for incase the green energy plan fails. This in turn is causing black outs in failures in these neighboring countries. (“Germany’s Green Energy…”).
I certainly do not see this plan going anywhere. It unfortunately seems like it is going to cause worse problems than there already are. Although it was a good start to trying to formulate a plan to help our planet, this is not the answer.
“Germany’s Energy Policy: Man-made Crisis Now Costing Billions.” Institute for Energy Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
“Germany’s Green Energy Destabalizing Electric Grid.” Institute for Energy Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
Dini, Jack. “Germany’s Green Energy Policy Hit Households Hard.” Canada Free Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.