Monthly Archives: December 2013

Group Project Handout!


Absorption of Radiant Energy

Josh, Suyash, Sarah, Adam, Khang


The purpose of this experiment is to see which color paper absorbs the most radiant energy.  The NXT Robots record temperature with 2 temperature probes.  This setup can determine the two separate temperatures at once.  With this test we can prove or disprove the theory of the amount of heat absorbed by white versus black material.



Solar Energy, a renewable form of energy, has solar panels that use radiant energy to generate electricity. A solar panel has solar cells which uses a thermal collector that uses the color black to collects heat by absorbing sunlight. Solar Energy is used widely across the world for various purposes. Scientists use solar energy to provide heat, light, electricity, and even cooling for businesses, homes and industry. The good thing about producing solar energy is that during and after the process, it gives off no pollution. Furthermore, Solar energy produces electricity very quietly. Another pro for using solar energy is that humanity will gradually depends less and less on fossil fuels and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas. Although Solar energy is really efficient and dependable, the initial cost is extremely high due to the super high cost of the solar cell. But once installed, they produce a free source of electricity.


– Let lamp heat up for 3-5 minutes

– Set up the temperature probes under each paper

– When lamp is heated start the NXT program provided which measures temperature.

– Hold lamp over papers for 5 minutes

– Record the result below.


                                    Probe 1     Probe 2   

                                    White        Black  

Minimum temperature ______ °F ______ °F

Maximum temperature ______ °F ______ °F



Calculate temp difference (∆t=tf–ti).

White ______ °F       Black______ °F


Which color had the largest temperature increase?


Solar collectors can be used to absorb the sun’s radiation and change it to heat. What color

would work best for solar collectors? Explain.


                                    Probe 1     Probe 2   

                                    White        Black  

Minimum temperature 75.9 °F       75.9 °F

Maximum temperature 85.1°F       92.7°F


Calculate temp difference (∆t=tf–ti).

White 9.2°F       Black 16.8°F

Group Project Brainstorm

When we were inform about the project, my group sat down and brainstorm for ideas. We’ve decided to test the absorption of radiant energy. The purpose of this experiment is to see which color paper absorbs the most radiant energy.  The NXT Robots record temperature with 2 temperature probes. This setup can determine the two separate temperatures at once.  With this test we can prove or disprove the theory of the amount of heat absorbed by white versus black material. This experiment is related to solar energy, which is an important source of energy in our lives. I would like to see how this project can help me understand solar energy better.Solar_Energy_Icon_by_nirmalfx3

Demand Response

According to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Demand Response is defined as “Changes in electric usage by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized.” Within electricity grids, demand response is similar to dynamic demand mechanisms to manage customer consumption of electricity in response to supply conditions. Demand Response programs offer incentives to businesses who reduce the energy use of their facilities during times of peak demand. Find out how your business can benefit and help alleviate the strain on California’s power supply. Current demand response schemes are implemented with large and small commercial as well as residential customers, often through the use of dedicated control systems to shed loads in response to a request by a utility or market price conditions. Demand Response would help prevent blackouts in neighborhoods. Most people won’t even notice that their energy usage is lower. It is always good to save electricity.

Pros and Cons of Keystone XL Pipeline

The Keystone XL pipeline project’s of bringing oil-sands deprived natural oil from Canada to the United States is being discussed. There are pros and cons to this projects. Experts have been discussing whether this project should be enhanced and finish.

keystone_pipeline_routeThe Cons of the Keystone XL pipeline:
– Building the Keystone pipeline and opening up the Tar Sands will negatively impact national and local economies
– The same fossil fuel interests pushing the Keystone pipeline have been cutting, not creating, jobs
– Unemployment will rise
– Poor and working people will be disproportionately affected
– Building the sustainable economy, not the Keystone pipeline, will create far more jobs
– There is also a discussion about the environmental risk during and after the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline

The Pros of the Keystone XL pipeline:
– Canada is one of the most secure sources of oil supply in the world and has long been a secure source of supply for the United States.
– The pipeline should permit more raw natural oil to transport to the U.S and permit larger market efficiency within U.S. oil markets; some oil- sands-derived products will be exported to more appropriate markets, but other product will remain in the United States. Any additional oil in the global market helps to enhance oil security by increasing supply.

In my opinion, the Keystone XL pipeline would hurt us because there are more cons and pros. The Harvard article made a solid argument about the 5 reasons why Keystone XL pipeline would hurt the economy. Therefore there is no reason to follow through with a project that is suppose to help the economy but is going to end up hurting the economy instead. There is also a risk that the project would pollute the ecosystem and the environment.