The Sawyer Library is a main hub of student life at Suffolk University, and it is used by commuters, residents, graduate and undergraduate students. The library is housed in the school owned 73 Tremont St building. Not only is there a physical library, but there is also an extensive online database, helpful for doing research projects. It is several stories, with each floor serving a different purpose.
The library provides students with silent places to study alone, or different rentable rooms for large groups to study together. It also has computer labs were classes can be taught if necessary. Students are allowed to rent laptops (both Mac and PC), flash drives and use school printing. The library also offers copies of all the school assigned textbooks that can be read and photocopied if need be.
The library is an important students resource, and can be utilized daily. It is typically open for 12 hours a day, and has a Help Desk that provides assistances to students and faculty via research librarians. It is also a great place to study or get some homework done, especially when you have loud roommates.
The tour was a great way of seeing all the library had to offer to students, including ways the research librarians can help us conduct research for future assignments.