Oncoming Exams: Two Week Maddness (Not to mention Christmas on top of that)

Drawing: We had another two session drawing. I’m still struggling pretty hard. I’m debating whether or not to do another self portrait in an attempt to boost my grade, but I have no idea if I’ll have the time. The modeling session being held on tomorrow is pretty much a no go because I have to finish constructing my Processfolio for Matt’s class. Plus, it’s going to snow tomorrow and I’d rather not be out in that. Later in the week will probably be better. The final crit is on Monday morning on the 14th, so I’ve got a little time.

Printmaking: I have six of my twenty-five prints done. I also haven’t constructed the box yet either. Our final crit is also on Monday 14th (I think). He said something about switching to Wednesday. I really hope we do that because I have an exam on the hill happening about an hour after Printmaking starts. It shouldn’t take too long; we exchanging prints.

Western Art 1: We’re studying Islamic art. I have to get the reading and questions done by this coming Tuesday morning. We’ve got a museum trip planned for Thursday and then the Exam the Tuesday after that. The paper for the museum will probably be due the same day as the exam. There’s always this mad rush right after Thanksgiving…

Intro to Sociology: We finished going over our six cases. This should give us plenty of time to review for the exam on Monday. Yeah, Monday. I have class on Tuesday at 11ish and they schedule the test for Monday 3pm I swear just to confuse us. I’m slacking off something fierce on my case paper. It’s just making me really nervous. I’m afraid I’m going to write it wrong or something. Maybe I should look up sociology papers…

 Imaging: We passed in our Homage. I fixed Ueda’s and Kandinsky’s at the last minute. I hate my Klimt rendition. The Processfolio is due this Tuesday, so I’m scrambling to get that assembled. Mine is a box with different compartments inside. At first, I was wrapping the inner boxes with drawings I did by hand. Then, about two days ago, I figured out that I could make the equivalent of wrapping paper with all the scanned work I did this year from all my classes.


Tuesday is the last day we’re meeting, so I’m toying with the idea of making a cake for us to eat Monday night. The Thursday after that, we’re to pass in photographs of it to Matt’s mail box with a written evaluation of the course. Due to the fact that our projects are only worth 10% and we acted as guinea pigs, the final evaluations the administration has the students fill out for their classes can’t really apply to us, hence why Matt’s having us write our own.

Work: Molly took pictures of student work today, so I helped out a little bit. I’ve also got my hours picked out for spring term. I’m working at the Library on Wednesday and the Front Desk on Thursday. I may also be working a couple of days during Winter vacation in January, so that’s really awesome too. I want to spend some time at home, but not to go stir-crazy like I did this summer.

Gallery: Yeah, I bet you just did a double take. We have a new gallery exhibit up with Resa Blatman’s work up which is pretty much indescribable. She uses a lot of intense color and liner patterns with extremely realistic animals and insects. I walked up the stairs while Jeff, our curator, was still putting up the work and it was like Christmas morning. It is so gorgeous.  She’s coming to give a talk on Tuesday which I’m looking forward to.

Christmas: I have some Christmas shopping to do. I made some presents already and have to wrap them up.  I’m also trying to figure out if I want to decorate my apartment with something. Small tree or a wreath…I’m not sure yet.