

During this lab, we used ourselves for energy! We learned about conducting electricity through Faraday’s Law of magnetic induction. We hooked up the flashlight ,which contained a magnet inside, to our labview and shook the light at different speeds to find out what happens to the amount of energy it produces. We found that the faster the magnet moved, the more energy was produced. 

Faraday’s Law: Electromagnetic induction is the production of an electric current across a conductor moving through a magnetic field. It underlies the operation of generatorstransformersinduction motorselectric motorssynchronous motors, and solenoids.



It is unfortunate that although scientists are slowly discovering more ways to produce energy, people are not so open minded to the idea because they are so set in their ways of being highly stimulated using maximum amounts of energy at the moment they need it.


Energy sources such as wind turbines have proven to be an excellent source of energy. Although it is difficult to make this successful due to the idea that is not always windy, i think that science is on the right track with this discovery. I also think that people are going to have to get over the idea that they may not look so pretty. A majority of people who live in towns that object to the wind farms disagree with them because they are said to be an “eye sore”. Obviously at this point in time, and especially in the future, appearance will be the least of our worries.

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