Demand Response

The idea behind the demand response theory is to have consumers reduce their demand for electricity which will then lead to the a less drastic response which will be much less of a toll on the grid.

“Electricity customers reduce their consumption at critical times or in response to market prices.[1] The difference is that demand response mechanisms respond to explicit requests to shut off, whereas dynamic demand devices passively shut off when stress in the grid is sensed. Demand response can involve actually curtailing power used or by starting on site generation which may or may not be connected in parallel with the grid.[2] This is a quite different concept from energy efficiency, which means using less power to perform the same tasks, on a continuous basis or whenever that task is performed. At the same time, demand response is a component of smart energy demand, which also includes energy efficiency, home and building energy management, distributed renewable resources, and electric vehicle charging.”


This approach is becoming more popular by the day. Certain companies are providing incentives to people who abide by the demand response regulations. Companies such as PG&E provide incentives to large corporations and business owners who lower their energy use during peak hours of energy use

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I think this idea is a brilliant way to get companies to follow suit. Personally, it infuriates me when i see buildings left overnight with lights or signs on strictly for successful marketing tactics when they have no consideration or thought about what it is doing to our environment. It has become acceptable in American culture to use an unnecessary abundance of energy at all times without thinking about the consequences. Fortunately, our future generations are being taught to be more aware of this. Add campaigns are working hard to use relatable ideas so children actually understand that even small details can have an impact on our planet. For example, the commercials aired on Animal Planet that explain that every time you shut the water off while brushing your teeth,you save a few fish. Although this is a minor detail, it plays a huge part in the future success of the demand response.

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