The movie Contagion is based upon an idea that, to some, may seem outdated or unrealistic during this century with all of the medical advancements that our doctors have discovered. However, unfortunately for us, this issue is in fact very current. A pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that quickly spreads across a large reason throughout the human population. The distance it spreads can range anywhere from regions to nations or even world wide. In order for to remain categorized as a pandemic, the number of people effected must continue to grow. If the disease is controlled and no longer spreads, it is not considered a pandemic.
These outbreaks can be seriously dangerous in no time. Sometimes they emerge without any signs of warning and before they discovered they have already spread. This is probably the most intense form of a pandemic and it is also the scariest. By the time doctors connect certain symptoms among patients in different parts of the nation who are suffering from he same types of sickness, it could be too late.
In the film, the main character, Mich Emhoff, played by Matt Damon, and his wife Beth, played by Gwenyth Paltrow, are average people going about their day-to-day lives without any idea about what is coming to them. Suddenly, Beth becomes infected when she travels on a business trip to China. The disease kills her within days. Medical specialists immediately begin their investigation once they realize that there is some kind of infection that is rapidly spreading. A possible cure is also posted in an online blog and news about this travels almost as quickly as the pandemic does. People immediately go insane, breaking into drug stores and trying to attain this drug that is said to be the cure.
It is a very realistic idea that a possible cure would cause havoc and mayhem among society.
During the Swine flu outbreak, the Swine shot came out, prioritizing women and children. You could not find a doctors office that had appointments available to get the shot because so many people jumped to get it at once.