Saturday, April 14th, 2012...8:43 pm

senior show!

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it’s finally here! the senior show!

well, actually it’s over. it was last night. but the day finally came. it actually feels like the whole thing never really happened. it was so fast! i was looking forward to it all week. i got a new dress when i went home for easter, and then i went shoe shopping on monday and got some classy new wedges. i was so pumped to wear my outfit… and show off my work of course.

it was a really good turn out. there were so many people there. my parents, my sister, my aunt and uncle, my grandparents and my cousin came. a few of my friends from high school actually got to come into the city and see my work too! it was so exciting and so completely overwhelming. it was probably the fastest two hours of my life.

afterwards, my family and i went out to dinner at rustic kitchen, which is a few blocks away from the new england school of art and design. it was really delicious! i got a beet salad, which is kind of whimpy considering i could’ve gotten this intense butternut squash pasta dish, but i had already stuffed my face with a giant cupcake and a bunch of dried apricots (i loveeee dried apricots). so the salad was perfect, topped with goat cheese… yummmyyyyy.

it was definitely a success. i can’t believe that it’s over!!

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