Sunday, November 27th, 2011...3:38 pm


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this thanksgiving holiday came way too fast this semester. maybe it’s just the warmer weather or the fact that i have been so busy, but thanksgiving snuck up on me this year and it’s one of my favorite holidays!

it was a surprise for me! but it was a welcome break. i really needed a little vacation from school and boston to gear up for the last three weeks of class which will be filled with final projects, portfolio reviews and holiday parties. i went home on wednesday afternoon after my corporate class. it was my first time home since the beginning of october. it was so nice to sleep in my own room!

thanksgiving this year was hosted by my mom’s sister down in hopkinton. i love having huge thanksgivings! and this year was one of the biggest ones i have ever been to. my mom’s parents were there as well as my cousins, their grandparents and aunt and uncle and then their neighbors and their kids. there were at least twenty of us! it was wonderful! so much food and so much talking! we got there at two and didn’t leave until eight. that’s my idea of a perfect thanksgiving.

this past year my sister became a vegetarian, so this holiday i had somebody to share my vegetarian dish with! woo! last year i was all alone in my veggy bliss. we ended up making butternut squash saag a recipe from my favorite cookbook, veganomicon.  it was probably one of the easiest things i have ever made, which turned out to be a good thing because i completely miscalculated the time we were leaving… opps. for some reason i though that we were leaving my house at 2 even though i knew we had to get there at 2. so i come back from the store (i needed a lemon) at 12:30 and my mom is looks at me and says “we’re leaving in a half-hour! what took you so long!?” haha thankfully, i had roasted the butternut squash the night before so i only had about 20 mins of cooking ahead of me, or else i would’ve been in a bit of a turkey day pickle. my time mix up, though, made it so i couldn’t make the dessert i was planning, a pear cranberry gingersnap crumble (from smitten kitchen!), but i just made it the next day. it was delicious!

the rest of my weekend was pretty low key. i saw some friends for breakfast. we went to a local breakfast on saturday (hurray for shop local saturday!) and caught up because most of us hadn’t seen each other since the summer. i got a wonderful new bag and some fleece-lined tights (whoever invented them should be awarded sainthood) for whenever boston finally decides to become its typical winter-like self. and i just really enjoyed being home with my family. it was the perfect break to gear me up for the final crazy, stressful last weeks of this semester.

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