Friday, September 9th, 2011...4:29 pm

first week of my last year

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i am sad to admit it, but i am now officially a senior in college. as exciting as it sounds, i actually wish that i wasn’t… i am not ready for the real world!

my fears aside, i think this is going to be a pretty great semester. my first impression of all my classes are good. i like my professors, and our first projects are all awesome. i only have studio classes at the new england school of art and design this semester (actually i am completely done with all my liberal arts/minor classes– it’s NESAD from hear on out), so i am going to really be able to focus my attention on my design work and building a respectable portfolio for when i graduate. i am going to make my way to the art store tomorrow and purchase a brand new sketchbook along with all the other supplies i need and i am going to carry it around like it’s my third arm.

i am hoping that sketching will become a natural, everyday thing for me. for some people it is. i know a number of people who are always drawing in their sketchbooks. i doodle, sure, but sketching i usually just save for projects, it’s not a part of my everyday life… well, at least not yet. i’ll make that a goal for the year… to sketch more. two of my classes are requiring me to “collect” design (from magazines, newspapers, photos on the street, etc) this semester. i’ll have a pretty incredible cache of imagery by the time december rolls around! after looking over all of it, i am hoping i’ll have a better idea of what kind of design i like, what kind of designer i am and what i’d like to do with this creativity that i have been given!

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