Tuesday, December 1st, 2009...11:35 pm


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so i haven’t literally gone for a run in about a month, but even so, i feel like the past two days i have been running constantly. i need to drop off a paper here, a folder there. print out some pictures. make copies. paint. type spanish homework. print spanish homework. make dinner. go to a meeting. send rent checks. and the list goes on and on. i’ve barely had time to think.

thankfully, the latter half of today has been a bit more relaxed. i got to spanish class and passed in all the work that was due and i just breathed a huge sigh. but i was still so jittery, my friend melissa asked me if i was ok. hahahaha

i’m feeling a lot better now. actually, i am in a super mood. 🙂 i still have so much more work to do though. but the end is in sight. i can seen the light at the end of the tunnel. i can only imagine how wonderful i am going to feel after finals are over!

in other exciting news, i had my first group Alternative Spring Break meeting today! i can already tell it’s going to be great! everyone was so friendly. they just told us a bit about the trip, showed us on google maps exactly where we are going (meridian, mississippi), and some of the stuff we might be doing. the details aren’t completely panned out yet. meridian is a growing area. a lot of the families that left the coast because of katrina are now coming back, but they are moving more inland. so we are going to help build up and develop this area. whatever we end up doing i know it’s going to include lots of nails, screws, 4x4s, and work boots. i can’t wait!

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