Visit to the library

A while ago, our group went on a trip to the library. We started our “tour” with the library lady showing us where all the printers were and how could we use them. After that we went to a computer’s room located on the second floor. Then the lady showed us where could we find sources for investigations in the library web site. There were a lot of sources in many topics such as science, health, sports.

Our homework was to find a topic and investigate it with one of those sources. I found an article about the life of Steve Jobs and how he changed the technologic world. Some of my classmates talked about the universe and Alzheimer.

Although I didn’t learn a lot of things on the tour it was interesting and a different way to learn about the library.

One thought on “Visit to the library

  1. hpeavey12

    I think you should’ve researched a little more about the library, you did the bare minimum. For example saying the same of the library, hours, and special services the library offers. Also media about the lab would’ve been better.


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