Brainstorming sessions

Our assignment was to design a laboratory experiment for high school students. First, we seemed decided on doing an experiment called Race Day. This experiment was basically a way to explain physics, what is acceleration and a way to demonstrate it. However, after brainstorming for a while, we thought that the experiment Race Day wouldn’t attract the interest of the students that much and decided to search for another one.

After searching on Youtube and Google we found a pretty interesting and different one. One called NXT Machine Gun (not exactly an experiment). It is basically as the name says it, a machine gun. Our group found really cool that experiment and we had no doubt we wanted to do it. For a week we tried unsuccessfully to find the program that we would use for the machine gun until Eric (GREAT JOB) found it.

This Friday we tried to build the machine gun, thing I thought would be easier. After an hour an a half looking for parts and assembling them. We got this:


Unfortunately, didn’t have time to program it but I’m really looking forward to it. I think it I’ll an interesting and fun experiment for high school students.

Here’s a picture of the group doing their job :



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