Record Industry 2.0

I have been following the musical rise of one of my closest friends, Geoff Sarubbi aka OnCue. OnCue is a local artist from my home town of Newington, CT. I remember listening to his first released songs that he produced on his computer at the age of 13. The difference between then and now is nothing short of monumental. It’s amazing how maturity can be heard in a song by the beats, lyrics, flow and cohesiveness.

Currently OnCue heads up his own record company called Game Point as well as a design company called GPXO which does promotional flyers and cd covers for other aspiring artists.

Almost most of marketing and exposure that OnCue has made was through the internet, especially through MySpace. This is a very popular trend rising amongst young artists who wish to bypass record companies and spend thousands of dollars on promotion that is not as effective towards this new internet generation.

This is OnCue’s latest single, Dancin’ On The Bar, which was released just this week.